How to Conduct a Formal Meeting (16 Steps Guide)

A formal meeting has a great role in every corporate business, but it should be effective and here we discuss how to conduct a formal meeting in an effective way:

How to Conduct a Formal Meeting

All essential steps for how to conduct a formal meeting are mentioned below

A. Activities before conducting the formal meeting

Determine the objective

The necessity to call a meeting should be clearly set. If the objective is clear, then it is easy to conduct a meeting.

Invite the actual participants

Those members whose presence is essential should be invited to attend the meeting. An invitation should be written, meeting invitation can not be oral.

Make proper notification

The time, venue, and date of the meeting should be notified to every member before the meeting through proper media.

Select and distribute the agenda

An agenda is a roadmap that should be determined before the meeting and must be distributed to every member before the meeting.

B. Activities during conducting the formal meeting

Starting the meeting

The chairman should greet the members and should open the meeting. It could be changed in absence of the chairman and for a special occasion.


The chairman will highlight about agenda and will welcome the members to deliver a speech for discussion.

Point of order

If any point does not belong to a legal issue or aspect can cause any member to raise the question on point of order.

Point of information

If any member has any query can ask for clarification, which is known as the point of information.

How to Conduct a Formal Meeting
How to Conduct a Formal Meeting

Speaking through the chair

If any member wants to contribute to the discussion can get an opportunity if the chairman permits.

Ruling from the chair

If any controversy is found during the discussion, then the chairman can provide a ruling on that and stop the discussion. His ruling is final and binding.

Point out the decision taken

The decision reached should be clearly stated to every member to avoid any confusion.

State the course of action

The chairman should clearly state the action to be implemented. Here, the consent of the members is a must.

Close the meeting

When the meeting is over, the chairman declares the closing of the meeting and thanks to the members for attending and contributing.

C. Activities after conducting the formal meeting

The Proper recording of the minutes and thereafter its distribution to the members should be ensured by the chairman.

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