16 Difference between Oral and Written Communication

We know that oral and written both have great importance but there is some difference between oral and written communication which is discussed in this content. When communication is done orally, it is called oral communication. On the other hand, communication, which is made in written form using paper, pen, and printing is known to be written communication.

Oral and written communication both are the media or way of verbal communication. But in the field of application, they show the following difference between oral and written communication -:)

Difference between Oral and Written Communication are as follows:

Subject of DifferenceOral communicationWritten communication
RelationA good relationship is created between the sender and receiver because of personal touch.A good relationship is impossible here because the sender and receiver are isolated from each other.
MediaTelephonic conversation, face-to-face conversation, oral instruction, or order are the media here.Letters, memos, bulletins, drafts, reports, and newspapers are the media for written communication. Know the principles of effective writing
Documentary EvidenceOral messages or information are not preserved generally. So, it cannot be used as evidence for future purposes.Written messages are preserved so they can act as a permanent record.
Direct MeansThis communication occurs directly between two or more people.A direct link cannot be established here between the sender and receiver of the communication.
FormalityFormalities are not so strictly maintained in oral communication.Written communication needs formalities to be observed. Let’s know the written communication advantages and disadvantages.
EffectivenessDistortion may take place in oral communication. In such a situation, it will not be proved to be an effective method of communication.In written communication, the message cannot be distorted. As a result, real communication can reach the destination.
FlexibilityOral communication is more flexible.! It can be easily changed and adjusted.It is a less flexible land, therefore, takes time to bring any change in the contents of the message.
Cost factorSuch communication is less expensive because it does not require a pen, paper, ink, printing materials, etc, to get the message ready for transmission.It is costly because pen, paper, ink, and printing materials are required to get the message ready.
FeedbackHere immediate feedback is possibleFeedback is delayed in written communication.
Time factorSuch communication takes less time to send messages orally.It is a time-consuming method because more time is required to get the message ready and communicate it to the receiver.
BasisOral communication offers the basis for informal communication.It is the formal, method of communication because it is done in writing.
IX ApplicableSuch communication is applicable to the literate and illiterate receivers of the message.Such communication is applicable only to literate receivers.
StartingSuch communication can be started instantlyVarious formalities are followed here and therefore involve a formal process to start such communication.
CorrectionCorrection is easily possible here because the sender and receiver face direct communication.Once the message is posted, it is beyond the reach, of the sender to correct the information if any mistake is found later on.
UniversalityIt has no worldwide acceptance.It has worldwide acceptance.
Difference between Oral and Written Communication
Difference between Oral and Written Communication

Hope you find all difference between oral and written communication. We mention here 16 topics of differences.

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