4 Major Types of Market Report

A market report describes a product in terms of demand, supply, price, and nature of the transaction. According to a product or service, there are various types of market report. Furthermore, the length size, drafting method, subject matter, and utility cause changes in the market report.

Types of Market Report

The classification of the market report is presented below through a diagram.

1. Service-based Market Report

Transactions related to various service providers such as Bank, Insurance, water supply authority, T & T authority, etc. provide the basis for the preparation of such a report.

2. Product-based Market Report

It is of two types:

2.1 Market Report for a consumer product: Data related to consumer Products are presented in such a report. Here demand & supply, price, nature of the transaction, stock level, market trend, etc. of consumer products are described to notify the scenario of the readers. Rice, vegetables, and other day-to-day consumable goods. It can be an example of a consumer product.

2.2 Market Report for Industrial product: The product used and produced by the industry is reported in such a report. Here, Demand & supply, price, nature of the transaction, Stock level, market trend, etc. of an industrial product is highlighted, e.g. Chemicals and machinery can be the best example of industrial products.

3. Organization-based market report

Here the report is prepared by taking the product or service of an organization as a subject matter. It can be two types:

3.1 Report on Money Market: Here, the Demand & supply of a specific currency, the exchange rate of such currency, the effect of the Bank rate, and the interest rate on such currency are represented.

3.2Report on share market: Transaction regarding any share market provides the basis for such a report, e.g. Report on Dhaka Stock Exchange, Tokyo Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, etc.

4. Time-based Market Report

The following are the various types of the time-based market report:

4.1 Daily: Report based on the day-to-day operation is the subject matter of daily report, Report on perishable goods is subject to daily report.

4.2 Weekly: Report based on the activities or transactions of the whole week calls for weekly reports.

4.3 Fortnightly: Report based on the activities or transactions of fifteen (15) days calls for the fortnightly report.

4.4 Monthly: Such a report provides information for a whole month regarding any product of an organization or entity. Here the beginning price, closing price, highest price, and lowest price of a product are mentioned.

4.4 Annual: Such a report provides information for a whole year with analysis and explanation. For a stable product, such a report is prepared, e.g. Report on the car market. Each type of market report is very important from the viewpoint of the market, specific product of the market, and time consideration.

The flow chart given below will give a clear concept of the types of market reports. To see a large view click on the image.

Types of Market Report
Types of Market Report

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