A circular letter is an effective means of creating interest among a large number of people regarding goods or services. Here we going to describe here the importance of circular letter.
Necessity / Importance of Circular Letter
The importance of a circular letter can be discussed in terms of the following aspects:
1. Create a new market: The circular letter helps to create a new market for a specific product or service and therefore causes the development of business.
2. Public awareness: It can provide useful information to make people aware.
3. Introduce a new marketplace: A new marketplace can be informed and introduced by the use of such a letter.
4. Convince audience: Such a letter helps to influence the mind of the audience and make them convinced to use a particular product or service.

5. Link between producer and customer: A circular letter is an efficient communication tool acting as a link between supplier and consumer or producer and customer.
6. Seles promotion: Babenroth and Parkhurst said that a circular letter helps for sales promotion,
7. Easy communication: This letter provides the easiest means to communicate with mass people.
8. Enhance business goodwill: Goodwill of a business entity can be enhanced through the wide circulation of such a letter.
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